Posts Tagged ‘ John O’Groats ’

Blogging the Trip – Locations

I’ve been looking for people’s blogs who have done the JOGLE trip and came across this one..

They did the trip and one of the things they were able to do is give live updates to where abouts they were. They used a logging system called InstaMapper which I’m going to look into as it automatically plots your route as you go and logs it directly to the website and hopefully allows people to see where you are. This does sound quite cool.

So I’m going to look into this at the weekend and see how well it will work for us.

Day 1 – Meet at John O’Groats

John O'Groats Signpost

The Signpost at John O'Groats

Day 1 (Fri 6th April 2012): Meet at John O’ Groats Campsite

( ) and prepare our bikes/support vehicles, etc. and get to know each other.

John O'Groats Harbour

The Sun Setting over John O'Groats Harbour

Although this seems easy we still have to get to the most northern part of the UK mainland. This in itself could take 2 days of driving!

Hopefully I have a lift for at least my bike (and maybe even me!) to the start point. I’ve booked the thursday before off work so hopefully I can get myself to the start.  There could be over 50 people doing this so there should be a good gang of people together, all on VZi.
“You could be amongst the thousands that say each year: “We made it, we are here, we have arrived at John O’Groats” and receive the welcome that awaits you at the most northerly corner of the British Isles, 874 miles from Lands End in Cornwall.”