Posts Tagged ‘ Fundraising ’

Fundraising at Work…

I used the sponsership forms that Brian created on VZi to try get some money from the people at work.

So far I’m at about £200.


I’m trying to find out if we have a matching scheme at work as that would be a lovely £400 towards the charity and I’ve not even started bothering my friends or family yet.


More Sponsership

We’ve had nearly another £100 come in. One of the sponsers has donated the money they made transporting a bride to a wedding.

Its great that we are making good progress into the fund-raising. Hopefully as we get closer to the start date we will keep getting donations in.

Keeping On – Keeping On.

STOP THE PRESS! New Show confirmed!

Late last night we recieved confirmation of the show to ‘close off’ the Jogle4Brads trip. So far we just have an address;-

Friday 13th-Sunday 15th April 2012

Stithians Showground
Crellow Lane

And there is a little banner already for it.

VW Action South West

Go-Karting – Brads Fundraising – Part Deux

I have asked a load of my friends to see if they wanted to join me. So far I have a 0/5 sucess rate.

One of them is double checking with his other half to see if he is allow out to play.

Fingers crossed.

Go-Karting – Brads Fundraising

One of the users on Volkszone has kindly set up a fundraising event to raise money for Brads. This is a go-karting 1.5 endurance team kart race at Brentwood Kart Track.

The thread can be found on Volkszone here .

Much like the JOGLE trip, I’m trying to join this late but hopefully I can be included.

Its only £40 per team and I’m going to try and rope in one of my mates – thats if I can join this late in the game.

Ariel view of the outdoor track at Brentwood Karting

I’ve been given the OK so I just need to find another driver. Checking with my friends to see if anyone wants to come with me, otherwise I’ll be doing the whole thing by myself!

For the Cause…..

Although this trip wont be cheap, easy, or over quickly, there is a reason for doing it. To raise as much money as possible for Brad’s Cancer Foundation.

You can find out more info about Brad himself on his website – > and it is well worth reading about him.

I’ve known more people than I want to who have been affected by cancer. My university housemate Vin died of cancer 6 years ago. My ‘2nd father’ (Childhood best friend’s dad) beat it once but then it came back. I remember when I got the call that he needed to be taken to hospital but his wife (who had just beaten lukiemia) didn’t have strength to get him downstairs so I had to help carry him. Shit like that will stay with you for ever.

Sometimes I have trouble when I remember them both. Memories I have aren’t of the strong people I knew, but of them later, cancer trying to rob them of their lives.

Recently there has been a post on VZi ( that people were recommending music that meant something to them. Someone put up a link to the following tune and I think it sums up my feelings perfectly. I know that my 2 good friends wouldn’t want me to dwell on the bad things, but remember the good times and celebrate how they would want to be celebrated.

So I give you, Frank Turner with Long Live the Queen

“You’ll live to dance another day, but you’ll have to dance for the two of us.

Stop looking so damn depressed, and sing with all your heart – Long live the Queen.”