Archive for January, 2012

I’m now committed – First deposit towards the trip made.

This trip isn’t going to be cheap. Yes, we are riding mopeds which have amazing MPG but we still need somewhere to stay, we still need food and we’ll still need to put petrol in the tanks!

To start with there are about 80 people saying they want take part but its one of those things that people want to do, but as we get closer to the date,  people may not be able to make it and it for Brian and everyone to organise, we really need to firm up the numbers.

The first payment towards to the campsites needs to be made. This is a £50 payment that is required by the 31st of January and needs to be made by PayPal.

I don’t really use PayPal, but I do have an old account with nothing in it. Thats would be a problem! I did think about transferring some cash into the PayPal account but seeing as it is an expensive time of year, I thought I better try and flog some stuff and get some PayPal cash into my account.

So I sold some stuff and got £50.50 into my PayPal account. I transfered this over and now can relax until 31st of March when another £80 needs to be paid by. I think if I clear out a little more of my ‘stuff’ on ebay/etc then I should easily cover that.

I might have to try to sell more stuff as I’ve got lots of things to pay for (Jacket/Jeans/Waterproofs/gloves/etc) and no money to buy them!

In case anyone’s interested…

Click Here to PayPal me some money!

(you can click on this to donate to me!)

JOGLE Clothing – Support the Fundraising

Support Brad’s Cancer Foundation – wear your ‘JOGLE 4 BRAD’S‘ T-Shirt with pride and show your support for the Volkszone JOGLE 4 BRAD’S 50cc riders.

Heavy duty shirts in Black with White front print – only £15.00 inc. p&p to the UK mainland.

All proceeds to the JOGLE 4 BRAD’S run. Available while stocks last.

Check out THIS LINK and purchase your Limited Edition T-Shirt for just £15

Once payday come to me, I’ll be ordering one. All the coolest cats will be wearing them. 😉

Another JOGLE Blog – A Bit Special This One

You’ve probably seen a few posts on here about the history of the VZi JOGLE trip.

Finally, the guy with the plan, Brian Burrows, has started a blog to keep his log of the organisation, the planning, and the trip.

You can find his blog here…

Link to Brian Burrow's BLOGLE Blog on VZi

Its well worth a read if you want to find out more about the pain and suffering in arranging such a trip.

I would certainly keep an eye on this blog, and the moment he has it so that you can subscribe, I recommend you do.